MONDAY | 1.00 pm | 4.00 pm | Directed by Michael Smith (0438900141) |
TUESDAY | 11.00 am | 2.30 pm | Directed by Richard van Proctor (0417096874). You may come without a partner. Bring lunch. |
WEDNESDAY | 1.00 pm | 4.00 pm | Directed by Adele Philpot (0411234430) or Christina Wu (0413311163) |
THURSDAY | 1.00 pm | 4.00 pm | Directed by Michael Smith (0438900141) |
FRIDAY | 11.00 am | 2.30 pm | Directed by Ted Brereton (0417924487). You may come without a partner. Bring lunch. |
SATURDAY | 1.00 pm | 4.00 pm | Directed by Richard van Proctor (0417096874) or Christina Wu (0413311163) |
Table fees - members $8, $10 and $12 for green, red and gold point events; visitors $10 - green point events, $17 for gold point events |
Please be seated 15 minutes before the advertised starting time. |